- Update your Privacy Settings –
It is worth checking and updating your privacy settings at least once a year. It is so simple –just click the lock sign on the top right hand side. I think it’s best to choose maximum security because then people have to add you as a friend to be able to see your photos and status updates. Make sure you don’t put your full address on Facebook for security reasons and always bear security in mind.
- Use the Search Facility –
The search facility is so handy for finding friends, finding pages that interest you and events that you might like to be part of. It is in the middle at the top of your page.
- Top News –
By displaying the Top News on your page (by clicking news feed and then top stories) you will see posts that are of most interest to you and that are very popular (they may have lots of likes and comments). It saves tons of time scrolling down your news feed!
- Photos –
Add a clear photo of yourself as your profile picture and another picture as your cover photo. This will help friends recognise you and therefore more people will send you friend’s requests.
- Share News Articles Online –
Share photos and articles that you have found interesting so your friends can read them too. You can also share YouTube videos or even your own blog posts, which can help bring more readers to your blog.
- Direct Messages –
If you have got a long message to say to someone or you want to have a conversation then sending a direct message may be best. This is particularly useful if you don’t want other people to know what you are talking about and you can send a message when the person you want to speak to is online or offline.
- Update your Status Regularly –
Remember to update your status regularly and share funny anecdotes about what you have been doing as this will keep your friends interested. You can also tag people in a status update and check in to certain locations to show your friends where you have been, what you have been doing and who you were with.
- Find Friends –
If you want to find friends yourself then you can type their name into the search bar and scroll down the list until you find them. However if they have a very popular name then the list of results could be huge so it may be quicker to type in the person’s email address.
- Be Yourself –
It is normal to want to appear cool and outgoing on your Facebook page but try not to lie about the things you have been doing or how you are feeling. If you feel that you haven’t got anything amazing to share with your friend’s on a particular day then perhaps find a humorous news article or video to share or give Facebook a miss for the day.
- Have Fun! –
Facebook is a great way to keep in touch with friends and family, especially people you haven’t seen in a while. Enjoy!